Porirua - Stories from the ground

Wesley Community Action

Alongside a range of community focussed initiatives, we run the Wellington Regional Fruit and Vege Co-op in partnership with Public Health and community groups. The Co-op is a not-for-profit ‘buyers collective’ delivering affordable access to fresh fruit and vegetables across the Wellington Region.

Every week, as a collective, we buy approx. 8 tonnes of fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables from local suppliers and growers. Because we buy in bulk we get them for a good price. This means we can sell a pack to our members for $15 - much less than they would cost in a supermarket. We have 10 co-ops running packing hubs and nearly 40 pickup points across the region from Petone to Masterton and Newtown to Ōtaki. The Co-op provides over 1,250 fruit and vegetable packs every week. See more at www.hauorakai.nz

We care about the health of our communities and providing a more affordable way for our members to include more fresh healthy fruit and vegetables in their diet is a great way to lift our community and improve health outcomes for our whānau. You can see our locations here.

If you are keen to know more about our work or to join, visit us at www.hauorakai.nz

Connect with us on our Facebook page to get regular updates.

Wesley Community Action

WELLfed also runs a large on-site garden offering community volunteering opportunities and a learning hub for local school children to help us nurture and grow kai, all while learning about fresh produce, teamwork and caring for Papatūānuku.

Cooking delicious nutritious kai and developing the skills and confidence to feed whānau well can have positive impacts in many areas for Learners and their families.

The entire WELLfed programme is focused on making positive connections while gaining skills and confidence through participation and kōrero. We are nourishing communities through food and connections.

Check out our website for more information and how to support our mahi, including volunteering and garden workshop opportunities - www.wellfed.kiwi

Awatea Community Garden

We are a bunch of locals who believe in food not lawn mowers, we saw this lovely piece of Whenua and fell in love with the sun filled warm sheltered unused land. 

We garden on a Wednesday 11pm-4pm and once your allotment is established you can come any day that suits. It's a lovely piece of Kindergarten land in Ranui, Porirua.  We aim to provide "A neutral space of belonging, purpose, evolution and Whakapapa." 

We are a diverse group looking to create gardening education, community connection, allotments and visions of a forest garden. We are decolonizing the whenua and aligning with the Maramataka.

We provide both food, education and growing opportunities towards kai and soil sovereignty. We are a welcoming group who want to create an inclusive space for all our community. On a full moon, we have a monthly virtual pānui and a workshop on a New moon.

You can reach us at:

Website : https://opencollective.com/awatea-community-garden

Facebook: facebook.com/awateacommunitygarden

Paula: 021 0243 6988

Ruth: 021 077 0319